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The Poppy

Local Art Museum and Botanical Garden - 2020-2021- Senior Capstone Project

(Team project made with Ivy Branden and Briana Humphrey)

Deisgn concept
Project information

The Poppy Art Museum and Botanical Garden will celebrate community and foster growth in Stockton, California by welcoming people from all backgrounds, socioeconomic groups, and abilities.  With its thoughtful, safe, and comfortable design, all will be able to experience the Poppy and gain benefits that contribute to their cognitive, social, and personal wellbeing. Through our application of thoughtful design decisions, the Poppy will promote social inclusion, wellbeing, and environmental consciousness within the community. The Poppy will serve as a social hub and revitalize the colorful community of Stockton.

Our senior capstone project was broken up into two semesters; the first focusing on research and the second was on the design process. Through the first semester, we narrowed our research down to three topics we felt emphasized our goals for The Poppy, which were post-pandemic design, social inclusion, and sustainability. Our research was conducted through research gathering, interviews and site visits (of museums, bars, and cafes), a survey, and a content analysis of 24 museums to understand what procedures they had implemented due to COVID-19. In the second semester, we took all of the information we had found and applied it within our design to create a local community museum with evidence-based design decisions.

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